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GeekChicDaily Now Nerdist News, Wave Of Joy Engulfs Universe

Regular Nerdist podcast listeners and readers of this site may have noticed that we’ve spoken recently about how Nerdist and GeekChicDaily are coming together, and now we’ve reached the next stage of what you might call an evolution, or maybe a mushing-together: GeekChicDaily, your daily newsletter of all things nerd-centric, is becoming Nerdist News, effective today.

What does this mean? Well, you won’t see a lot of changes here at, which will remain what it is today, your home for all things nerd culture and podcasts and general tomfoolery, only, we hope, bigger and bigger until we take over the entire Internet. We’ll continue to alert you to stuff that’s happening at the newsletter, and they’ll do the same right back at us.  At GeekChicDaily, the name and the design of the newsletter will change to reflect the Nerdist brand and look, but it will continue to deliver fresh nerd goodness to your inbox, including interviews, features, news about live events, and, of course, giveaways galore.

The main takeaway from this is simple: If you aren’t already a subscriber to the newsletter, this is a good time to sign up. Click here to do that. If you’re already subscribed, you don’t have to do a thing, because you’ll keep getting it with its spiffy new design and everything.  And the Nerdist Industries juggernaut continues to build momentum.  We will not be denied.  Denied what, we’re not certain, but we will not be denied whatever it is that someone might for some reason want to deny us.  What were we talking about again?


BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD's "Complete Collection" Isn't Complete, But It's Close (Review)

Chevy Created a Life-Sized LEGO Batmobile

Chevy Created a Life-Sized LEGO Batmobile

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.



  1. Kristof Calderhead says:

    I think i know a lot, however the only thing I can do is jerking around on the internet and insulting other people, while I have to admit that I like to hack people

  2. Kristof Calderhead says:

    Please add me on Facebook, because i have no real friend, like to watch anime and have a dragon as profile picture

  3. Kristof Calderhead says:

    I am gay

  4. Conor says:

    Looking forward to more nerd news to fill my brains

  5. Michelle S says:

    Yay continued Nerdist domination! Considered me signed-up.

  6. Jason P says:

    There shall be no denial! Excellent news, I look forward to getting Nerdist News directly in my inbox from now on!