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Gaming Daily: SLEEPING DOGS Follow Up Reveal, Sony’s Project Morpheus Almost Finished, ROCK BAND Network Shuts Down, and More

Yes, Friday is here, which means a weekend of intense gaming is upon us! We wrap up this week in gaming with teases of more reveals coming in as soon as Monday. Geez, it’s almost like we just finished wiping the sweat caused by Tokyo Game Show of our forehead.


Triad Wars, the follow up to Sleeping Dogs, will be revealed this monday.

More details are on the way from Sleeping Dogs developer United Front Games this Monday about their follow-up to the open-world action game. The news broke on the studio’s official website, where community manager James Baldwin spoke on behalf of the establishment, stating that they’re “are extremely excited to finally show you what we have been working on.” Triad Wars is already rumored to be a free-to-play PC title, and will be set in the same universe as Sleeping Dogs. Hopefully this means we’ll be making a return trip to the mean streets of Hong Kong.



Sony’s VR headset is near completion, according to Sony head honcho Shuhei Yoshida. While speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Yoshida let it be known that the headset is about 85% finished, and that that Project Morpheus should be rather affordable considering it features many components found in smartphones. Now all we have to see is if they find a way to make the contraption a little less heavy than what we’ve experienced so far. I’d hate for this to interfere with my perfect, couch-sagging posture.



Harmonix announces the termination of the Rock Band Network.

Harmonix has made the unfortunate decision to shut down the Rock Band Network, effective immediately. The platform had a solid run that lasted nearly 5 years and, at one point, allowed users to upload their own tracks. When you combine the amount of tracks that came packaged at retail with Rock Band, the available DLC, and the Rock Band Network’s tracks, the number tallies up to a whopping 4,221 songs. With around half of those coming from the Rock Band Network, that’s a lot of content being loss. But no worries, Harmonix. We’ll be on the other side waiting for Amplitude 2.

[HT: Harmonix]

We’ll be back with the daily recap this monday, but in the meantime, let us know what games you’re playing this weekend in the comments. Keep it locked here on Nerdist for all of the juicy video game developments, and to chat about our beloved medium, I’m only one tweet away: @Malik4play.

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  1. Vince says:

    So, SO, worried about ‘Triad Wars’. 
    I’m a HUGE fan of Sleeping Dogs – it’s such a great open world game. I will seriously argue it’s better than GTAV and remains best-in-genre to this day; super polished core mechanics, and exotic setting with unique atmosphere, fantastic presentation & story — this is top notch in every way. And unlike other titles, it’s actually fun to do things like get in shootouts and fight people and parkour around. It’s super underrated. More Sleeping Dogs should be GREAT news.
    But because of the language surrounding this, I’m worried. If it was ‘Sleeping Dogs 2’, I’d be thrilled. But ‘Triad Wars’ sounds like a multiplayer-only game. They mention something about it being focused on, “a connected world”. And their stubborn use of the term, “Follow Up”… it all reeks of another move along the lines of what “Nosgoth” was to “Legacy of Kain”. Something that is beyond unnecessary, incredibly unwanted, and painfully disappointing. And a failure in the end, right? I mean, Nosgoth isn’t doing good – can’t be. And rightfully so. 
    I really hope I’m wrong. I bet I’m not though. 
    We need Sleeping Dogs 2. I hope this “Follow-Up” is what that game would be, and they’re just playing with new names for the property for… whatever random reason.