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Gaming Daily: RATCHET & CLANK Are Back With Some Gameplay Footage

Guess who’s back, back again? Ratchet’s back, tell a friend! That’s right, today we finally got our first look at gameplay from the upcoming Ratchet & Clank remake from the PS2 era. There’s nothing like a remake of a childhood game to make me feel nostalgic, thus old as well. Don’t worry though, that is only the first part of today’s news, because there is plenty more where that came from. Here is today’s Gaming Daily: Ratchet & Clank are back in a game about a movie about a game, Hyrule Warriors All- Stars will be making an appearance on the 3DS, and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons will travel onto PS4 and Xbox One.


First Ratchet & Clank gameplay footage revealed.

Insomniac and Sony have finally revealed some gameplay footage of their upcoming re-imagining of Ratchet & Clank, and it looks fantastic. The in-game footage shown off has almost the same quality of a Pixar film. That’s no small feat for an adventure platformer like this. There was also new information revealed about the Spring 2016 slated PS4 exclusive. Along with the obvious new shiny paint, the game will include new weapons, planets, and flight sequences, which are all supported by “modern” game controls. Also, it will be playable At E3 on the show floor. Boom!

As a huge fan of Insomniac’s dynamic duo, I am exhilarated that these two are back. This is early footage and is cut together to look impressive so take it with a grain of salt. It’s still a long way from reaching the consumer so what we see here and next week may not be indicative of the final product. I’m also interested in seeing what “modern” controls are, because I never had an issue with the input scheme before.

If you have played the original title, then you will recognize some of the locations and even missions, like one of my favorite where you must show off your hover board skills.Peep the full trailer above and keep in mind that some of the footage shown off is from the film that will coincide with the game. Now all I need is a Jak & Daxter remake.

HT: Playstation Blog 

Hyrule Warriors All-Stars will make an appearance on the 3DS.

Koei Tecmo released a new video showing off the Hyrule Warriors Wii U title running on the 3DS. The outcome is some sweet Musou style action on the go. The trailer mentioned that the game was announced at E3 so chances are this was another one of those slip-ups that have been occuring in the last couple of weeks.

The trailer, though in Japenese, has plenty of information to divulge. First, it will include two new characters from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Tetra and the King of Red Lions. Secondly, those two characters will be transferable to the Wii U version of the game. Granted, in order to send over the characters you will need both versions of the game.

Graphically speaking, the title looks great in the bit of footage shown off and incorporates the dark bolding of character outlines that is seen in Super Smash Bros. for The Nintendo 3DS. If this will indeed be announced at next weeks big show, expect it to make its way to the U.S. One thing that isn’t clarified is whether it will be exclusive to the New 3DS. I would almost say it has to be running on the new hardware since it’s a bit taxing in the gameplay and graphical department. Stay tuned for more news on this in the coming days.

HT: Game Informer


Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons will travel to the Xbox One and PS4 this holiday season.

Here is another game announcement for you. 505 games has reported that Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons will make the jump to the new generation of consoles this holiday season. The title originally released 2 years ago and was received pretty well by both fans and critics. This release will feature some extra goodies that include: commentary from the director, a soundtrack and concept art gallery content.

If you aren’t familiar with this title, it’s a puzzle adventure that requires the player to control both brothers individually using the control sticks. It’s an emotional roller coaster and impressively uses no words to hit hard at the heart. I highly recommend that everyone give it a whirl.

Surprisingly there will also be a mobile version, just in case you want to get emotionally wrecked on the go.

HT: Gamespot

That’s all for today folks. We discussed some surprising new footage, an accidental reveal, and a tale for the times. It has surely been an exciting day. Make sure to bring your brother or sister along to the comments section below to let us know what your favorite announcement was.


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