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GAME OF THRONES is Literally Building a Wall Around Its Sets to Deter Spoilers

The night is dark and full of spoilers, but that doesn’t mean Game of Thrones won’t do everything in their power to combat them. Like, say, building a wall?

Because that’s exactly what one eagle-eyed fan is positing, though these real-life walls are decidedly un-magical in nature. In a post on the highly reliable Watchers on the Wall, pre-production is underway on the exterior sets for the final season of the series. And, according to some slight glimpses that a fan on Twitter, “metal walls” are being built around the set. Per the post:

According to Twitter user @Cathair96, Winterfell is being prepped for filming with a blanket of snow on the ground, visible in the center of the photo, as well as the installation of “massive metal walls” meant to restrict fans and passers-by from sneaking a peek at production

Yeah but like…have Walls EVER WORKED on this show?

Watchers also has photos and video on their site, but head there to check it out. But it’s interesting to note that these walls are going up around Winterfell—which is also getting a bit of a makeover for the final season—which means there’s probably a very strong likelihood we’re going to get one hell of a battle the North will surely remember far beyond the end of the song of ice and fire.

Do you think the metal walls will work? Are you sick and tired of Thrones spoilers and speculation yet? Let us know in the comments below.

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor, creator/host of Fangirling, and resident Khaleesi of House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter!


Images: HBO

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