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GAME OF THRONES’ Valentine’s Day Cards Will Swear Your Love to the Old Gods and the New

GAME OF THRONES’ Valentine’s Day Cards Will Swear Your Love to the Old Gods and the New

It’s the most romantic time of the year again; the time when you want to let the moon to your sun and stars realize that even if you know nothing else, you know how much they mean to you. So how can you swear a sacred vow to the old gods and the new that they are the only person in the Seven Kingdoms you want to bring under the cloak of your protection? With the help of some officially licensed Game of Thrones Valentine’s Day cards.


HBO wants to combine your love for the show with the love of your life this February, with messages of romance only an admirer of Westeros can appreciate. And they have you covered whether your love song is one of ice or fire.

Because nothing says “Be mine” like a blue-eyed demon king of killer ice men leading an army of the dead against the living. (Actually, that is kind of true, if the legend of the Night’s King is to be believed.)


But maybe the one you desire doesn’t yet feel the same way. Don’t worry, there’s a way to help tear down The Wall between the two of you, with our dream pairing of large and lovable characters.


Of course, if the Catelyn to your Ned has a better sense of humor than Lady Stark ever did, she could swoon over a good joke. Well, we might think it’s too soon (and always will be), but considering it is a holiday of love, and few had the passion of the fiery Red Viper, this might be the one to send them.


We have the rest of the available cards in our gallery below, and you can get them through the official HBO site. And why wouldn’t you? What better way to tell someone you love them then through messages from a television show that routinely kills off characters we care about in the most brutal way possible?

Only maybe just stick to using them on Valentine’s Day and avoid giving them as wedding cards. No one wants to think about Game of Thrones at their wedding.

Which card is your favorite? Tell us the one you’d send to your Khal or Khalessi in the comments below.

Images: HBO

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