Hello, fair citizens of the Realm! This is a Game of Thrones post. Which means: in addition to winter, spoilers are coming! If you aren’t caught up, proceed at your own risk and don’t say we didn’t warn you. Because we did. Right now.
It’s all come down to this, hasn’t it? Book readers and show lovers alike have waited for years to see Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen finally join forces to defeat the menace North of The Wall, a.k.a. the Night King. And now, it seems as though their tale is ready to be ballad-ized and sung throughout the Realm, as based on the season 7 finale episode title reveal: “The Dragon and The Wolf.” It will run 79 minutes and 43 seconds EXACTLY, per HBO.
Of course, Dany and Jon aren’t the ONLY infamous dragon and wolf pairing in Westeros — so there’s a very good chance this title is actually a bit of a red herring, and points to a possible flashback and/or reveal of the true story of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.
Better known as Jon Snow’s parents (and brother and sister-in-law to Daenerys, now that Gilly revealed that Lyanna and Rhaegar were actually married), it stands to reason that — even though it seems certain Dany and Jon will have major machinations in the episode itself — the Realm’s own Romeo and Juliet may also get their story told, either via Bran visions or someone with reliable knowledge preaching the truth. After all: we’ve been mightly Bran-deficient these past two episodes, so it feels safe to assume that everyone’s favorite maybe-Night-King will make big waves in the season finale.
Because the revelation has major consequences in the political games distracting most of Westeros from the real threat (a.k.a. the army of the dead): it proves that Jon Snow is actually a legitimate Targaryen with, perhaps, a more legitimate claim to the Iron Throne than even Dany (or Cersei, or Jaime, or Sansa, or even Gendry). And it also may mess up the hopes of those of you out there hoping for a Jon and Dany kiss at some point in the near future.
But what do you think of the title? Are we overthinking it? Let us know in the comments below.
Images: HBO
Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor, creator/co-host of Fangirling, and resident Khaleesi of House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter but only if you really want because, like—I’m not your boss.
- How Gendry’s return is way more than just fan service.
- Why Gilly’s Rhaegar revelation could have a huge impact on the future of the show.
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