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GAME OF THRONES Ice Hotel Lets You Experience Long Night Level Cold

Game of Thrones is officially skipping 2018, but you won’t have to wait a full year to experience a winter in Westeros. HBO Nordic and Lapland Hotels SnowVillage have joined forces to create a Game of Thrones hotel that is made entirely of ice and snow. It’s like sleeping at The Wall! And it’s open to the public, if you can make your way out to Finland.

Via Entertainment Weekly, Conde Naste Traveler reports that the Game of Thrones hotel was built over the course of a single month by professional ice sculptors hailing from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and Latvia. There are only 24 rooms in the hotel, with 10 suites for guests staying overnight. One of the ice sculptures built into the suites is a fearsome looking White Walker. We’re sure that you’ll have pleasant dreams when sharing the room with this guy.

An alternate design for the suites features the Stark family’s direwolf symbol. But it’s far from the last touch from the series. There’s a recreation of the Hall of Faces from the House of Black and White.

For the brave souls who don’t mind sleeping in a room that’s roughly 23 °F (with temperatures outside reaching 10 °F) , an overnight stay starts at $200. Guests are allowed into the SnowVillage for $18, and they can catch a meal at an ice restaurant that serves alcoholic drinks in glasses made of, you guessed it, ice.

If you’re interested in booking a trip to this Thrones themed hotel, you can find more information here. But you should probably hurry, because summer is coming, and this attraction will only be open until April 8.

What do you think about the Game of Thrones ice hotel? Let us know in the comment section below!

Image: HBO

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