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GAME OF THRONES “Guess Who?” is a Game We Need to Play Right This Minute

Guess Who? is one of the greatest childrens’ games of all time. Oh, the hours upon hours my cousins, siblings, and myself spent trying to figure out if the person opposite you was a Claire, or an Anne, or an Eric, or an Alfred, or even a dreaded Peter. There were just so many faces and names — and trying to describe them in increasingly vague complexity was all the rage. So it seems a perfect union to combine the classic game with one of the most stacked, cast-wise, series on television: the cast of Game of Thrones! Move over, Doctor Who Guess Who?

Those brilliant pop culture geniuses over at Vulture came up with the idea, and have even created a printable version so you can break out the old plastic and insert some new faces into your game-playing life. Swap out Alfred for Sansa, Theon for Richard, and Sam for Samwell and you’ve got yourself the perfect pre-game to your Sunday night HBO-watching ritual.

Sure, there are opportunities for vague overlap — “Does your person carry a Valyrian steel blade?” “Are they a member of the Night’s Watch?” “Have they slept with their sibling?” “Do they obsess about the Lord of Light?” “Are they probably going to die soon?” — but that’s half the game’s fun. Book readers will find a particularly evil joy playing this game with their non-book-reading friends, with many a spoiler easily bandied about with gleeful abandon. “Are they dead?” you ask, certain. “Well, depends on which timeline you’re referencing!” your opponent will evilly cackle, surely ruining your day and all the days left to come. (OK, so maybe you don’t want to play this across A Song of Ice and Fire lines. That might just be cruel.)

Print out three copies of the sheet below and have at it. Or you can stick with your fantasy fantasy league instead. Totally up to you!


Who else here is totally going to play this game soon? Raise your hands in the comments.

HT: Vulture

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  1. NewBizGuru says:

    Awesome find! Now I wish I had thought of it… I will so play that game… lol too funny. And if you’re from a marketing firm, or work in a creative shop, you may enjoy this quiz as well!

    Which Game of Thrones house is your agency most like?

  2. Ruzzel Lanes says:

    Left vs. Right (of Tyrells

  3. DrFysh says:

    Is he/she a Lannister?

  4. Ghost says:

    Daario would have 2 head pictures.  🙁

  5. Madison says:

    Never ever play Sansa Margaery or Melisandra. “Does she have red hair?”

  6. James says:

    “Does he have brown hair?”

    “….Hodor, hodor hodor.”

    “Is it….. Cersei?”

  7. I Live Araya 🙂

  8. WEB-DL says:


  9. kenny says:


  10. Ziane says:

    Spoiler of the spoiler. Shae dies in that scene too

  11. Mr says:

    The hound?

  12. gompie says:

    you know nothing

  13. mArs says:

    he will be Theon again 😉

  14. mArs says:

    what about Brienne? 😉

  15. You'reLame says:


  16. Varys says:

    Literally a bastard or just in the “cut your tounge out for fun” sort of way?

  17. spoiler says:

    don’t worry she goes blind !!!!

  18. Penguin puslishers says:

    is it Geroge R. R. Martin? Oh wait, hopefully he’ll live long enough to finish the books.