Have you ever sat down to watch Game of Thrones, heard the swelling tinker of the theme song, seen those intricate open credit animations bring Westeros to life, and suddenly wish you were a Targaryen royal, riding atop a dragon, surveying your kingdom? Well, you’re not alone—my whole life is spent wishing I were a dragon queen—and now’s your kinda-sorta chance, thanks to a brand new, 360-degree, VR-tastic iteration of the HBO series’ now-iconic opening credits.
Working in collaboration with Elastic (the designers of the opening credits), HBO, Facebook, and Oculus created this 360/VR version of the show opener and—hoo boy—is it trippy, overwhelming, and chockablock with hints and bits. Hints and bits you could probably, feasibly, spend hours pouring over. From the Wall to Braavos and all the way to Meereen, the world of ice and fire is somehow made even more vivid and visually engaging. As if we didn’t already have enough Thrones stuff over which to obsess! UGH.
Each of the main cities featured in this season’s opener are on display in the clip, which features King’s Landing, The Wall, Winterfell, Dorne, Braavos, and Meereen, which — minor “using your brain’s logic centers” spoiler alert — is exactly where the series’ sixth season opener takes us. Beyond that, we won’t say anything else (also because HBO might send a sniper to shoot us if we do), but if you take a peek at what’s on display when you zoom in on each location, there’s enough Easter Egg-y tidbits to give you a hint at what’s to come.
Like, y’know, that epically large battle that’s said to be coming for us. Confused? Learn more watching this:
What do you think of the opening credits? Let us know in the comments below!
Image Credit: HBO
Alicia Lutes is Managing Editor of Nerdist and head khaleesi in charge (only in her dreams). Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes).