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Funko Announces Exclusive STAR WARS Ewok and Ugnaught 3-Packs

We’re old enough to remember when Ewoks were considered thoroughly uncool, deemed by fans of the era as the worst thing about the Star Wars universe. But time has been kind to the fuzzy creatures. Who expected that we’d miss the “Yub-Nub” song after it was gone? Nowadays, we find ourselves remembering the li’l teddy bear warriors of Endor fondly. In fact, not even spear attacks and hidden forest traps will keep us away from this Walmart exclusive Funko Pop! three-pack of Logray, Teebo, and Chief Chirpa:


I believe we think they’re some sort of… godly. This Ewok three-pack will be hitting stores in July. Come August, however, Walmart’s getting a Bespin-themed three-pack:


Lando sure did rely on an interesting crew to run his town, didn’t he? Security guards in little caps, angry pig-men, and a bald dude whose head was remotely controlled. Maybe the Han Solo movie will explain away some of that weirdness.

One trio saw C-3PO as a god, the other considered him junk. The truth lies somewhere in between. Pick a side–or perhaps both–if you feel you need these Star Wars Pops to truly complete your Original Trilogy collection. Let us know which of these new figures you’re most excited about–hey, even the Ugnaughts have their share of fans out there!–and click on over to Funko to place your order.

In the meantime, where do you stand on Ewoks? Still firmly against? Born late enough to be a lifelong defender? Share your thoughts!

Images: Lucasfilm, Funko

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