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Fan Art Friday #66 – DEADPOOL

There’s a little movie coming out today called Deadpool. You might have heard about it. If you live in Los Angeles, maybe you’ve seen one of the millions (I counted) billboards or ads on benches and bus stops around the city. While I’d argue a lot of live-action superhero films these days aren’t targeted at children, Deadpool leans firmly into adult territory. That’s apparent just from the trailers. Wade Wilson is the walking definition of irreverent. Deadpool, much like the honey badger, doesn’t care. He comes in, he does the job and talks a lot while taking care of business, and then he calls it a day.

This week’s Fan Art Friday is all about celebrating the Merc with a Mouth. He likes weaponry, tacos, and cracking jokes. I think he would absolutely put on a chimichanga bikini like the one in this art:

by LazyBasy

Heck, I’d wear a bathing seat covered in chimichangas. Is that a thing that exists? While I’m making a wish list, I’d also like a pool float covered in the Deadpool symbol. Please and thank you.

The next piece of fan art also features food–I need to eat lunch and food is on my mind, okay? Deadpool multitasks by wielding a gun and shoving a taco into his face at the same time.

by albundyland

Visit the gallery below to see a ton of takes on Deadpool. I promise not all of them involve edibles.

Have you seen Deadpool fan art you’re dying to share? Leave links in the comments or send it to us on Twitter–@nerdist/@amy_geek.


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