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Experience the Insanity of Jumping into a Swimming Pool from a High Balcony

There should be a word for when you simultaneously think something is totally awesome but condemn everything about it. This first-person video of someone leaping into a swimming pool from a very high balcony is the kind of thing we’ve all thought about doing at one point or another, but also something that seems way, way, way too dangerous to actually attempt.

We came across this nutso video at Gizmodo, and it was posted by the YouTube channel ig: 8Booth. Even before getting in place for the jump the video is imbued with a sense of danger, as the man leaps some fences and runs through the surrounding complex as though he is running away from the KGB.

In fact, this whole thing feels like a training video for the next time you find yourself being tailed by a crime syndicate that has tracked you to the hotel where you’ve been hiding out, and the only way to get away is up to the roof, where you’re forced to jump.

As for the actual jump itself, it’s hard to tell exactly how high he is when he makes the leap, because it feels like a million feet, but if you watch the video closely it appears that he jumps from the fourth floor. As the height of the average story is 10 feet, we could estimate this as a 40-foot jump.

This really is kind of horrifying. I mean, we obviously didn’t share a video of someone splitting his head open, but he still comes way too close to the edge for our liking. So like I said, we need a word for really enjoying a thing we don’t condone whatsoever.

Until we have it though we’ll just have to use an old standby phrase to describe this entire video: f***ing nuts.

Would you do this? What’s the craziest thing you’ve done? Dive in to the comments below.

Images: ig: 8Booth

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