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Exclusive: ENORMOUS Gets a Second Printing and Sweet New Variant Covers

It’s no small secret that I’m a fan of Tim Daniel and Mehdi Cheggour’s killer kaiju comic Enormous in both its graphic novel form and the live-action adaptation on Machinma. Originally released as an outsized one-shot through Image Comics, Enormous found new life as an ongoing series at 215 Ink, where it has already found critical and commercial success. Evidently, enough of us out their purchased and read it because today 215 Ink is announcing that Enormous #1 will receive a second printing and three new variant covers for your reading and obsessive cover-collecting pleasure. This isn’t particularly surprising given that Enormous offers up a fresh, dynamic take on classic kaiju stories with a creeping element of biological horror that manages to wrap its narrative tentacles around you and refuses to let go…in a good way. If you haven’t already checked it out, now’s your chance, and if you’re on the fence over which variant you want to buy, don’t fret — we have your exclusive first look at the three new covers coming your way.

Enormous_1 2ndPrintCVR_KaijuSpecial

Which one is your favorite? What do you think of Enormous thus far? Let us know in the comments below.

Images: 215 Ink

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