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EXCLUSIVE: Damn Dirty Preview Pages for “Planet of the Apes Spectacular”

In what looks like the greatest Planet of the Apes outing since The Simpsons‘ musical blowout, “You’ve Finally Made a Monkey Out of Me,” BOOM! Studios’ Planet of the Apes Spectacular is an epic one-shot from writer Daryl Gregory and artist Diego Barreto. The story finds Alaya facing execution for her crimes against ape-kind, while Sully’s tangled web of alliances gets even more complicated. It’s Apes vs. Apes vs. Humans in a knockdown, drag out fight for the ages, and thanks to BOOM! Studios, we have seven, count ’em, seven exclusive preview pages for you to feast your monkey-lovin’ eyes on. Get ready to go bananas below.


Click to expand the thumbnails below.

What do you think of Planet of the Apes Spectacular? Let us know in the comments below!

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