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Epic Broadway Disney Sing-off Erupts at Airport

Flight delays are an inevitable consequence of air travel. Usually, delays lead to a lot of unhappy people, some yelling and screaming…not to mention the crying babies. And that’s on a good day.

On a great day, something unforgettable can happen. Take, for example, the recent viral video of the casts from the Broadway productions of Disney’s The Lion King and Aladdin. Last Sunday night at LaGuardia Airport in New York City, the respective casts were stuck in a six-hour flight delay due to bad weather.

But rather than give into boredom and frustration, The Lion King cast performed “Circle of Life” in front of the amazed airport crowd. And as if to answer the challenge, the cast of Aladdin responded by letting the Genie himself, James Inglehart, respond with a little freestyle rap and acapella accompaniment.

Of course, The Lion King cast had a musical response of their own. But the cast of Aladdin had the last verse by performing “Arabian Nights,” the memorable song that opens the Aladdin movie and the Broadway play.

If you look at the video, you may notice that several LaGuardia travelers were gathered around the casts and recorded them as they performed. There were no unhappy faces in that crowd.

The video ends without a definitive winner chosen by the airport crowd. But that’s where you come in, Nerdist readers. In this epic Disney musical face-off, who reigned supreme? Were the majestic voices of The Lion King cast enough to conquer Aladdin’s performers? Or did Aladdin’s cast prevail with their “diamond in the rough” singing?

You decide!

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