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Embarrassing Dad or Nerdist?

Some parents want to embarrass their children. But not all parents can reach the level of humiliation that stay at home dad Dale Price did. If a “nerdist” is someone who turns their nerdiness into art, Price fits the bill perfectly. For over six months, he waved his son off to school like many other parents. But unlike other parents, Price added a superhero/gamer flair to those special moments. From Wonder Woman to Mario, he had a different costume EVERY DAY specifically for his 30 second cameo. Remember, there are no small parts, only small actors! Price’s dedication alone makes him an awesome nerdist, and even his son is now amused by the gag. Here are some of Price’s zealous creations.








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  1. Intern Jack says:

    True, there are no small hogs- but- there are small weiner dogs with names like Nelson and Truday. They tend to eat very large ginger snaps on alternate Thursdays and watch Dr. Who on Fridays.

    I believe that they are Whovians, but then again I’m not sure….
