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Drill for Thrills with This (Relatively) Cheap DIY Electric Skateboard

It’s time to get a bit Grampa Simpson here and say that I remember a time when skateboards were powered by the push of one’s legs or, maybe, if you were cool enough—and in a Back to the Future movie—by holding onto the back of a truck. But, since everything nowadays has to be at least, like, 20% robot or self-driving or all-electric, it appears that means skateboards are necessarily getting fresh tech overhauls too. But what do you do if you can’t afford a $1,600 Boosted Board? You MacGyver the crap out of a skateboard using a power drill like this guy did, that’s what you do!


Sploid spotted the drill-powered board after it was posted by Inspire to Make—the YouTube Channel run by DIY master Igor. The glory of its Rube Goldbergian design is something that would simultaneously make both Tim the “Tool Man” Taylor (yes, we referenced Home Improvement) and Tony Hawk proud.

The above video gives an overview of the board’s creation, showing how, with relatively minor modifications, you can turn a regular old skateboard into a dazzling (and probably hunch-inducing) electric skateboard throttled by a power tool. And, yes, you might say that it doesn’t have regenerative breaking or a wireless controller or an extended-range battery pack like the Boosted Board does, but what it does have is style—seriously, who’s not going to look at somebody riding this thing? It also has a $500 price tag, which means you could have three of these thrilling, drilling beasts for the price of one Boosted Board! (Although there may be medical bills to tack onto that depending on your drill skills.)

Igor didn’t post how fast the board can go, nor how long the battery lasts, but if we learned anything from Marty McFly and those famous Huey Lewis and the News lyrics, it’s the power of love that will get you to where you need to go. And probably a bunch of extra portable drill batteries.

What do you think about this drill-powered skateboard? Drop in with your thoughts on the comments section below!

Images: Inspire To Make


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