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Doctor Who: The New Season

Entertainment Weekly has exclusive details on the new season of Doctor Who that Kyle tipped earlier today. Here you go:

Series 6 Premiere: April 23rd, 9 pm ET. Same date as the debut in the UK.

Part one of a two-part opener written by Steven Moffat, and as we’ve seen before, it’s an American adventure that goes from the Utah desert to the Oval Office in 1969.  Amy and Rory (Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill) are along for the ride.  Kyle notes that perennial Sci-Fi staple Mark Sheppard will guest star, along with Alex Kingston, who is returning  again as  River Song.

More details here, too.

And while we’re at it, here’s a little Doc-Buffy video thing Kyle posted earlier today that we’re moving here to keep all things Whovian together:

HT: Entertainment Weekly, BBC America. And thanks to our own Doctor Who expert Kyle Anderson, who had the premiere information first and was writing a post simultaneously with mine; I typed a hair faster, I guess. Sorry, Kanderson!

Image: BBC

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  1. Oren says:

    Not sure if you’ve already seen this, but there’s a blog called Geek Art Gallery with a post of Dr. Who Posters.

    I’m not sure who made them and such, but I thought you’d like them.


  2. JOnathan n says:


  3. Joe Doyle says:

    Totally caught the Doctor Who reference in House, was awesome. So ’69 road trip across the US Doctor Who style? Anyone else secretly hoping for a surprise Stargate SG1 crossover? (anyone else love that episode?)

  4. Magnoliafan says:

    Anyone watch this week’s episode of House? There’s a small line about staying up late because that when the classic Doctor Who’s are on tv.

  5. Evan says:

    Squee indeed. Ahhhhh.

  6. Lee says:


  7. Laur says:

    Dang grad student budget not allowing for things like satellite. :-/ Still, yea for start date! Also, that Doctor Who/Buffy intro mash-up was excellent.

  8. jackcr1 says:

    by Odin’s beard i know where i will on 4-23-11!!

  9. Lucy says:

    Balls! I’m going to be out of town that weekend and I’m betting the hotel won’t have BBCA. Thank goodness for DVR.

  10. ♥ HAPPY DANCE ♥

  11. Mindy says:

    I am soooo ready for Series 6 to begin. My boss just gifted me with a disappearing Tardis mug for all the hard work I’ve been doing. No one in my office could understant why I wanted a coffee mug with a police box on it!

  12. Ellie says:

    Doctor Who release, Buffy references, and Crowley in the opening episodes set in the USA?

    This is too much awesome to handle!

  13. Amanda says:

    Ooh, wait! I just noticed… Same day as the UK release?! YES!! No more carefully dodging spoilers on fansites and youtube because we’re two weeks behind!! =D

  14. Samantha D says:

    So, based on the rumours about the BBC airdate, they’ll be airing it same day then? And what about Canada? It’s likely our airdate here will be in line with the American one.

    Also, the rumour going around is that the opening two-parter will air on the 23rd and 24th back to back, so as to take advantage of a supposed Easter Weekend spike in viewership. That would be amazing!

  15. Scott says:

    Wait, I thought BBCA had stopped playing British things. All I saw the other day was Star Trek TNG and The Untouchables. Is there anything less British than the Untouchables?

  16. April 23rd cant come coon enough!

  17. Staci says:

    This just made my day!!!

  18. Amanda says:

    April 23!! As that’s two days before my birthday, I’m going to take this as the BEST early birthday present ever!!! =D It would have been nice if it were a little earlier in the month… I’m getting impatient! But birthday weekend works well, too 😉 Now I can finally set up my countdown!!

  19. Rebecca says:

    Flails! So excited for Mark Sheppard to be on Doctor Who!

  20. Heather says:


  21. Eddie says:

    That start date has been a bit of a Holy Grail for me of late…Roll on 23rd April….Win!