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DOCTOR WHO Fan Builds TARDIS In 10 Days To Propose

Think you and your significant other might be romantic and or nerdy? Well, no matter what you’ve done, super fan Nick D. Clements just raised the romance and nerd bar to incredible heights when he built a TARDIS replica in only ten days to propose to his fiance.

Nick chronicled the build on which, if you haven’t been before, is an incredible site for Doctor Who fans around the world to share their creations. Steampunk TARDIS? Sure. Need to know how to build a half scale TARDIS Cat Fort? They got that. TARDIS door for your bathroom entrance? Yup! Bad-ass 1/6th TARDIS Lamp? You can bet your sweet Adipose they have that! What I’m trying to say is that this group makes a lot of great things and Mr. Clement put his creation to great use.

Nick updated during the 10-day build with pictures of the blue lantern he found on to re-purpose for the light atop our favorite time machine, and commenting like a true Whovian with things like “The clock is ticking! — And the best part about a TARDIS speed build, if I don’t finish on time, I can just hop in the TARDIS when I do and come back to give myself a hand, and finish it on time!”

Nick was awesome enough to tape a time-lapse of the build and the proposal itself:

How sweet is that!? The guy built the thing just to propose to his lady! Although anyone willing to make a TARDIS is sure to keep it somewhere special in their home from now on.

Check out the gallery below for some stills from the build and come on, let’s congratulate Nick and his fiance in the comments below.


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