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DEATH NOTE Gets a 12-Hour Audio Drama Adaptation

Earlier this month, Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata’s incredibly popular manga series, Death Note, received a live-action American adaptation from Netflix. While it’s currently unclear if that film will become a franchise for the streaming service, it’s far from the end of Death Note itself. There’s a new 12-hour audio adaptation of Death Note in the works that may prove to be closer to the source material than the movie.

Via Anime News Network, writer and translator Jonathan Clements revealed that he is writing the Death Note audio play for German publisher Lübbe. Naturally, this means it will be adapted in both English and German. The report also notes that the audio adaptation will primarily be based upon the Death Note anime series as opposed to the manga. But we suspect that still means we’re going to get Light Yagami and the original incarnations of the characters, instead of “Light Turner” and the versions from the recent film.

Even 12 hours of audio won’t be able to adapt every episode of the Death Note anime, but it should hopefully lead to a more fulfilling cat and mouse game between Light and L, the enigmatic detective assigned to find Light’s alter ego, Kira. Within the anime and the manga, Light was smart enough to make his battles with L more compelling, and that’s definitely something we want to hear in the new retelling of the story.

The Death Note audio drama is expected to be released in 2018.

Are you excited about the Death Note audio drama? Picture a few faces and write down their names in the comment section below!

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Images: Madhouse

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