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Deadpool Wants You to Apply to Join the X-Force

In the comic book realm, Marvel’s X-Force is a mutant paramilitary team and definitely not a joke. But Deadpool 2 took a few creative liberties with X-Force before putting them through a series of hilariously lethal situations. And after the way things went, let’s just say that Deadpool‘s going to need a few new recruits, whether they have powers or not!

Via, the Deadpool Twitter account is taking applications to join X-Force, and no previous superhero experience is required. Although having powers would probably be a good thing—just ask Peter!

If you follow the link, it will take you to a page where you can download the following one-page application form. Perhaps DP has learned his lesson this time, as he asks potential recruits if they have any experience jumping out of planes. Also, the question about time travel may not necessarily be a hypothetical, given the ending of the film.

Note that Deadpool isn’t excluding aliens from the ranks of X-Force, although he clearly didn’t like having Shatterstar around. Of course, any potential applicants may want to read the fine print, as Deadpool attempts to indemnify himself from any bodily harm that may befall his new teammates. It even references a few of Deadpool’s comic book adventures including the time he fought dead presidents and fathered a child in flashbacks to the ’70s era of Marvel Comics.

Deadpool 2 will be out on Blu-ray and DVD on Tuesday, August 21.

What do you think about Deadpool’s X-Force recruitment? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: 20th Century Fox/Marvel

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