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DEADPOOL Enlists Onyx the Fortuitous for the X-Force!

Onyx the Fortutious, the host of Alpha’s Welcome to the Shadow Zone, might be the master of the macabre, but when it comes to being a superhero he’s a real amateur. But when totally normal guys like Peter are allowed to join the X-Force, why can’t our own Weird Satanist Guy, a man who knows all about the dark underbelly of the world, also give it a double-sword whirl? Deadpool himself sees no shame in it.

Deadpool joined Onyx  “On the Couch” to discuss… well we’re not entirely sure exactly what The Merc With a Mouth was talking about for most of the segment, which makes this maybe the first time a guest was more confusing than the host. But Deadpool did get around to offering Onyx a spot on his super duper fighting team, the X-Force. But when your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness it poses some major existential problems.

Aww, that’s a shame. Will Onyx be able to overcome his issues and become a great superhero? Maybe not, but we still want to see him overcome his fear of failure and give it a try! Sitting in that basement all day is not great for him.

What superhero persona should Onyx take as a member of the X-Force? What would his power be? What would his weakness be? Give us your best ideas in the comments section below, and let us know what you’re hoping to see in Deadpool 2, which hits theaters on Friday.

More on Deadpool!

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