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Dave Grohl Gets Revenge on 9th Grade Battle of the Bands Nemesis

As we’ve been abundantly clear before, Dave Grohl is our rock ‘n’ roll lord and savior. After he broke his leg, he kept touring, performing on a Foo Fighters throne that he designed while on painkillers. He then started to use his cast to rip out some solos and even proved that his doctor is a rock bad-ass inviting him on stage to sing a White Stripes song.

As if that were not enough, when a group of 1000 musicians cranked out a Foo Fighters song in an invitation to play their out of the way northern Italian city, he responded beautifully in their native tongue. Needless to say we love this man and he’s done just about everything to win our hearts. What more could a man do to earn our respect and admiration? How about finally getting revenge (in the nicest way possible) after holding a 30+ year grudge.

At a recent Foo Fighters show in Memphis, Grohl invited his childhood musical foe Chet Lott (son of former Senate Majority leader Trent Lott) onstage to sing David Bowie’s “Under Pressure” with the band. The two were classmates at Thomas Jefferson High School and became rivals for their ninth grade battle of the bands in 1983. All those years ago it was Lott who came out victorious and Grohl never forgot it.

It was all in good fun though as Lott, a professional musician himself, belted out the Bowie tune while seated at the foot of Grohl’s throne. A fitting bookend to a decades-old grudge that very well may have motivated Grohl to work even just a bit harder through his musical career the result of which is the band we all know and love.

Although the best part of the interaction has got to be where Lott admits to Grohl, “I may have won the battle, but you won the war.”

Lets all take to the comments to praise our dearest David Grohl so he may bestow upon us joyous rock tidings!

Image: Roswell Films/ Therapy Content

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