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Dan Aykroyd Saw the New GHOSTBUSTERS And Absolutely Loved It

It’s genuinely amazing how many people have already formed their very strong opinion on the quality of the new Ghostbusters movie, seeing as how–you know–nobody has actually seen it yet. Well, almost nobody, because it just got an absolutely glowing review from a person that knows a little something about the original films, someone who loves them more than anyone else alive, Dan Aykroyd.

We first saw the news of Dr. Raymond Stantz’s thoughts on the female-led reboot at EW, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that he absolutely loved it. Aykroyd took to Facebook this holiday weekend to share his praise of the Paul Feig-directed movie, after getting an advanced screening (the film doesn’t come out until July 15th).

Eh, but what the hell does he know? Suuuure, he was one of the leads of both movies, and yeeeesss, he co-wrote both of those original films, and I gueeessss he spent decades trying to get a third film off the ground, but really, what does this franchise mean to him personally?

Oh, he also was the one who came up with the entire Ghostbusters concept in the first place?

But still! I mean, he wasn’t even a kid when the first one came out in 1984.

Obviously we have our tongue firmly planted in our cheek right now, but it’s hard not to think about the unfair and mostly unfounded vitriol this film has faced, a film–that once again–no one has actually seen yet, in lieu of Aykroyd’s love for it. It’s impossible to have more of a connection with the original Ghostbusters than he does, and he found the film “brilliant.”

Some will say this is just him being a good company man, that he has a cameo in the movie, and that he’s a producer on the film, but honestly, there’s been enough negativity already. It’s ok that some of us are excited about this film, and this praise from Ray Stantz is just another reason to look forward to it.

What do you think of Aykroyd’s review? Let’s talk about it–like reasonable people–in the comments below.

Images: Columbia Pictures

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