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Nerdist Special Reports

Creative Cosplay Round-Up at Comic-Con 2014

Well, we made it, gang. We survived Comic-Con 2014. Over the past few days we’ve brought you up-to-the-minute coverage of the comings and goings of the Con, from panels and press lines to the little moments that make Comic-Con such a blast. Throughout the weekend we also had a chance to meet many of you at our epic Borderlands: The Pre-Sequelthemed laser tag arena up at Petco Park and rounded up some of the very best cosplay we found.

Dan Casey and Malik Forte ran around the laser tag arena finding folks to interview, including Borderlands 2’s Axton, a rogue Han Solo, a seriously badass gun crafted from a homemade severed alien head (!), some wandering Guardians of the Galaxy, and of course, The Nerd of Steel a/k/a Nerdist Man.

We found out more about these talented cosplayers’ inspiration, how long it takes them to get ready each day, and much, much more. Bravo, Comic-Con. Color us impressed.

Did you make it to Comic-Con this year? Who would you love to cosplay as? Let us know your cosplay experiences in the comments below or on Twitter by using the hashtag #NerdistSDCC!

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