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Move over, all three hundred currently-running DC TV shows. There’s a new series in town, and its name…is Krypton.

As you may have noticed, the title Krypton bares a certain similarity to the Batman-less Batman show Gotham. And that’s because it’s quite similar indeed! The potential series, which just entered development, is set to take place on Man of Steel‘s version of Superman’s home planet, before it got all blow’d up. So join guest host Dan Casey (Jessica Chobot‘s still being held somewhere in the House of Horrors by that ghost, remember?) as he runs down how the Krypton show could actually wind up being something very cool – DC‘s own riff on Game of Thrones.

Thanks for watching today’s Nerdist News, don’t forget to check out our fearless leader Chris Hardwick on the latest Real Housewives of Horror, don’t miss the latest Because Science with Kyle Hill, and let us know in the comments below if you even want Krypton or if it’s one show too many!

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  1. We knew what was going to happen to Caprica and that show was a great success.. Ohh wait nevermind.

  2. BobDobolina says:

    Game of Thrones is Game of Thrones because of the source material in the novels. Nothing is going to be “X’s Game of Thrones” without writing like that to draw upon.

  3. I woudlnt mind a prequel type movie that ended with the destruction fo the planet but not a series.

  4. Nikki says:

    with Faora as the main character, RIGHT!?

  5. Seven Bates says:

    I’d say go for it it DC, *if* they make sure to recast Ayelet Zurer and give her some cameos. Goodness she was stunning in Man of Steel.

  6. mikedudez says:

    a krypton mini series on tv would have worked before man of steel came out but now that it went blewy up i dont care. and also it probably would not be cannon and with the movies . i say nay

  7. Jay-El says:

    How do we know, exactly, that it’s going to be taking place on MOS’s version of Krypton? What’s the source there?

  8. ninafriel says:

    Interesting … DC currently has Marvel beat at the TV game, and if they could pull off something as well-received and (for lack of a better term) epic as GoT, they’d be winning even more. (Although, IMO, we won’t see “space Westeros” until we get a proper Dune miniseries.)