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Cosplay Friday #150 – FINAL FANTASY X, Ruby Rhod, and More

This week’s Cosplay Friday comes with a challenge. Well—more like a goal. The next time you’re at a convention or any event where cosplayers show up, take a moment to compliment a cosplayer and his or her work. If you see a costume depicting your favorite character or a well-done costume you don’t recognize, politely stop the cosplayer and ask for a picture and ask questions about how the costume was made. This obviously doesn’t apply when said cosplayer is eating, in the middle of a photo shoot, or otherwise obviously unavailable.

The point is this: cosplayers pour a lot of time and resources into building their outfits and props and are usually more than happy to tell you about the materials or process basics. You get to be nice to someone and learn something new. It’s a win-win situation.

Now, onto today’s Cosplay Friday!

Tidus and Yuna (Final Fantasy X) | Source: Jin and Julia, photo by Paolo Manalac

See more cosplay in the gallery below. You’ll find Silver Banshee, a kitty version of Ruby Rhod from The Fifth Element, an amazing Rey, and more.

Do you make costumes or take pictures of them? I want to see photos to include in future editions of Cosplay Friday. You can leave links to your work in the comments, tag or mention me on Instagram, or send images to me on Twitter. Let me know the link to your website or Facebook page, and be sure to provide credit to the photographer (if it’s not you).


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