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Comics Preview: Marvel’s INHUMAN #4

Marvel has been really aiming the spotlight on the royal family of the Inhumans lately, after several years of being second bananas in the greater Marvel universe (Are they being prepped for a movie from Marvel Studios, as rumors suggest? Just puttin’ it out there.)  Now Marvel is giving us a sneak peek at at Inhuman #4, from the creative team of writer Charles Soule (Superman/Wonder Woman, She-Hulk) and artist Ryan Stegman (X-23, Spider-Man) After the events of Inhumanity, new Inhumans are popping up all over the world, changing the power balance of the Marvel universe. Mutants? What mutants??

“Inhumans are being hunted across the globe, snatched up by those who would use their powers for ill. As Medusa struggles to rebuild the Inhuman kingdom from her new seat of power in New Attlian, there are those who would seek to depose her. And Attilan will receive a visitor from another royal kingdom – The Mighty Thor! But does he come this time as friend…or foe? And who is the mysterious Inhuman named Reader, with the power to bring to life anything he reads? Operating in secret, the spreading cloud of Terrigen Mists have forced him out of hiding. But who will he side with? Don’t miss one moment of the action as  artist Ryan Stegman takes over series art duties this August with Inhuman #4!”

Inhuman #4 hits on August 27th, with a cover by Ryan Stegman and a variant cover by Joe Maduriera.


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