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Coldplay Channel Kubrick for “Adventure of a Lifetime” Video

Coldplay pays homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey, but with a slightly less dystopian spin, in their new video for the single “Adventure of a Lifetime”.

Transforming into CGI apes, the band stumbles very conspicuously upon a Beats Pill, but rather than using it to beat each other over the head, the apes decide to express themselves through the art of interpretive dance. Soon, the collective of primates turns into a flash mob of hundreds of apes. You know, just your average Coldplay music video.

The video was directed by Mat Whitecross, who said that between the CGI rendering and the dance number, the video took a little over six months to complete.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Chris Martin said that after making an intimate album like Ghost Stories, A Head Full of Dreams was a bit of a change: “We thought: After making this restrained, intimate album, we won’t tour. Maybe we’ll feel like playing with a bit more jubilation.’ It was really fun to make, which is not what we’ve felt before.”

If the CGI rendering of their faces is as accurate as it looks, you can definitely tell they are having a great time.

A Head Full of Dreams releases in stores and digitally December 4.

So what do you think? Should Coldplay turn into monkeys for all of their videos? Should they consider touring with real monkeys? Swing through the jungle and let me know on Twitter, or sound off in the comments below.

HT: Entertainment Weekly
IMAGE: Coldplay/Facebook

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