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Episode 95: Chewin' It
Wedding Stories

Chewin’ It #95: Wedding Stories

Kevin and Steve share wedding stories, like the one that inspired Super Troopers, Steve’s pants accident, Jay’s “best man,” The Wedding Singer, eloping, and the crack smoking wedding party. Enjoy the Chew!!!

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Remembering Richard Jeni

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  1. AgentTalon says:

    As my first podcast in this series I have to say that I’m really glad I found this!  Between crack families and poop pants I laughed the whole time.

  2. Nico says:

    I spent the Lemmy poop-pants story CRYING at my desk from laughing so hard. I’m pretty sure my cubicle neighbors think I’m having a nervous breakdown. SO freaking funny.

  3. Arabrabbra says:

    Yes! Excited to hear this one!