T.J. and Cash coin some new phrases and discuss leaf blowers vs religious zealots, free standing reindeer, pear shaped girls, competitive eating, god stalking, dog punching, pterodactyl balls, and why sex isn’t more pleasurable than eating.
This episode is an honest ode full of “Real Juice”, drink it up…
Follow @nottjmiller and @cashlevy on Twitter!
“It’s obviously a learn-thing.”
Thanks a ton, guys. No, really. I was listening to it, smiling to myself while walking through a rough neighborhood. Not recommended behavior, for really reals. I was the most popular girl on the block.
Yep, fun interview. Fascinating guest, as usual. Animals getting the clap. Good times, good times.
Answering the questions you dont have ^_^ another awsome cash cast with Tj. Fav guest to date.
Another awesome show as usual.