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Car Tunes And Cartoons: Insects Vs. Robots Share A Mix And Illustration For Brokechella

Too broke to go to Coachella this weekend? Been there before. But don’t sweat it because there is still an easy way to see tons of great bands this Saturday without having to sell your car for the price of admission! Brokechella is back for it’s fifth year and it’s lineup is as robust as ever with electronic and indie rock groups who will be providing tons of groovy tunes all day tomorrow in Downtown LA.

One of the many bands playing tomorrow is Insects Vs. Robots, who were kind enough to participate in this week’s Car Tunes and Cartoons. The self-described psych-punk-orchestra band is one of the more experimental groups playing the festival this year. Comprised of visual artists, musicians, and Willie Nelson’s son, the band completely embodies their wonky, aqueous descriptor in full: think laser beams shooting over the delicate plucks of ukelele and lyrics about the inevitable implosion of the earth.

From their playlist alone, you can tell that the band have a deep appreciation for virtuosic musicians from several idioms and genres. There are bossa nova cuts, vintage folk rock, and experimental tracks that all accumulate into one of the most eclectic mixes we’ve hosted on to date. If this isn’t reason enough to check out the kind of music Insects Vs Robots is making, then please refer to their fantastic art below, illustrated by violinist Nikita Sorokin. I sort of wish this floating fantasy island ruled by pterodactyls were a level in Super Smash Bros. so I could so some sneaky aerial spikes from the backs of the prehistoric birds, but that is a daydream for another day. Check out Sorokin’s description of his illustration below.


Nikita Sorokin on his illustration

“When we’re making music I think all the band members have their own movie playing in their minds. This floating island scene is a still from one movie that must have been playing in my head not long ago: some alternate dimension where the distant future has collided with the ancient past and everyone lives in the sky.”


If you are digging the mix, be sure to catch the band this Saturday at Brokechella! The festival begins tomorrow April 18, and you can grab tickets right here. Now, excuse us while we get our groove on to this playlist for the rest of the day.

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