If you haven’t already seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, then what’s wrong with you? Go see it! If you still haven’t seen it, then don’t worry because the contents of this post don’t spoil any plot points; just one adorable insert shot/throwaway joke that will put a smile on your face. Still, if you don’t want anything ruined, then I’ll give you a chance to get out. Are you still here? Wait, what was that? Oh, I thought you said something else. Okay, good.
As you may remember, early on in the film when Captain America first makes the acquaintance of Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), the retired veteran who we’ll soon know as The Falcon, he is told to check out the soundtrack to Trouble Man by Marvin Gaye. We know from Avengers that Cap is on a never-ending struggle to understand modern pop culture references, but how does he keep track of them all? Why, his handy-dandy to-do list of course, and he has a different one for every part of the world!
One enterprising redditor noted that, at an early screening of the film in South Korea, Steve Rogers had a slightly different set of cultural references with which to acquaint himself:
ScreenCrush pointed out some of the differences in the UK version
I know they shot four minutes of  additional footage for Iron Man 3’s Chinese release that included popular Chinese actors, so please, please, please tell me they shot bonus footage of Cap playing Dance Dance Revolution to air exclusively in Korean markets. Here’s hoping that other geographic-specific lists will start popping up in the coming weeks.
Want even more Captain America: The Winter Soldier goodness? Read Kyle’s essay on the film’s impact on the MCU, Witney’s review, and watch my interviews with the cast!
I loved the WarGames reference.
I wonder what Germany’s version would be:
TV Show – Knight Rider & Baywatch
Berlin Wall (Up-Down)
David Hasselhoff
Seriously, David Hasselhoff
Star Wars/Trek
and so on…
My favorite bit was the quote on a gravestone in the end.
I was quite upset when I watched it a couple of weeks ago when I found out that other Asian countries had special lists.
We got the American one.
I can verify that the one I saw here at the IMAX in Suwon, South Korea did NOT have any additional footage of Cap’ playing DDR.
But Cap had time to watch War Games….
Spanish (from Spain) version: pic.twitter.com/QK7zNlq7Ej
In New Zealand we got the same list as Australia. Marvel owes our country an apology.
In France, we have France98 (Soccer), Daft Punk, Coluche and Louis De Funes.
The Australian version has AC/DC at the top of the list.
Spanish version: http://imgur.com/EWsJEuD
Australian version also has ACDC and Steve Irwin
This was a stupid idea. Why would an American want to catch up on Skippy?
For Australia, he has Skippy the Bush Kangaroo and Tim Tams.
@jm5150 Must be a breach over at S.H.I.E.L.D.
It looks like the only thing he has crossed off was Star Wars. Nice play Disney
looks like someone is streaming a bootleg torrent