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Captain America and Star-Lord Make an Epic Super Bowl Bet

Since it first started in 1967, the Super Bowl has brought millions of people together in order to stuff their faces full of buffalo wings, drink watered down beer, and make outlandish bets based on their allegiance to the region where they grew up. That same sense of unwavering loyalty extends to the Marvel Universe too, we’ve learned, as Captain America (Chris Evans) and Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) took to Twitter to lay down some friendly smack talk about who will win this year’s Super Bowl.

Evans, a Boston native, is a diehard Patriots fan, whereas the Washington-raised Pratt bleeds Seahawks blue and green. Much like the third act of a Marvel movie, things escalated quickly.

Chris Evans fired the first shot at his galaxy-guarding pal, but Chris Pratt was quick to retort.

That kind of talk could spark a Civil War! Good thing Cap is a betting man.

And so is Star-Lord.

And if Chris Pratt loses?

Now this is a throwdown worthy of a Phase III solo film.

Which superhero will you be supporting in this Super Bowl smackdown? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. Mike H says:

    Cap is the man, but I have to go with Starlord and the Seahawks… 

  2. DWolf says:

    This is Marvel Civil War Right here

  3. Jeanette Pence says:

    Oh captain my captain!

  4. Cayla C says:

    GO HAWKS!!!  chris pratt has this in the bag  🙂

  5. Jason K says:

    Best part of the whole thing is the bet payoff is something positive for someone else, not something for themselves. And it’s genuine from both, not some contrived studio BS, because I’ve heard them both do interviews about what it means to be a kid’s hero, and they’ve visited hospitals before.

  6. BishieReno says:

    I laughed too hard on sea chickens. I’m backing the captn just for that. 

  7. seattle_ray says:

    This is great!  Friendly competition and smack talking where no ill comes of it, the only real question is which children’s hospital gets to see a superhero (probably both, if I have any inkling of the level of integrity these guys have for giving back).

  8. George says:

    Russell Wilson…obviously.

  9. Tim Bunker says:

    I can’t wait to see Captain America with the 12th Flag! Go Seahawks!!!

  10. neelyx says:

    Yes, Star Lord!!  Go Hawks

  11. neelyx says:

    Yes, Star Lord!  Go Hawks

  12. RicD says:

    I expect that to be filmed and fully disseminated across the internets.

  13. Andy says:

    Ha!  Oh dear, do you think we should tell him the Legion of Doom is DC?

    • Heidi says:

      He’s not referring to the Legion of Doom, but the Legion of Boom (LOB) which is the nickname of the Seahawks secondary – Richard Sherman, Byron Maxwell, Kam Chancellor and Earl Thomas. Looking forward to seeing Captain America visit Seattle Children’s. Go Hawks! 

  14. Melinda says:

    Go Seahawks

  15. Marvel Woman says:

    I am all in favor of…Captain America.

  16. Marvel Woman says:

    Captain America, naturally

  17. Caity C says:

    SEAHAWKS! We will be seeing Captain America with the 12th Man Flag at Seattle Children’s Hospital. 

  18. JamieK says:

    Captain will be visiting Seattle! 

  19. Lindsay says:

    Best Super Bowl wager ever. Seahawks!! #gohawks 

  20. me says:

    Look, I love a shirtless Starlord as much as the next girl, but seriously, does EVERY story online about this have to have the 2 shirtless pics of them next to each other? 

  21. These two Marvel stars are trash talking on twitter about the Superbowl, so here is a pic of them without shirts. #relevant

  22. Ethan prew says:

    Captain America….. I’m a patriots but I live in Oregon and Seattle is the closest to a team we have

  23. Captain America, duh! The ultimate Patriot!

  24. Erob says:

    Both these guys are such good people, it wont matter who wins (obv patriots)… because we all know they are both showing up to each others place anyways

  25. Will B says:

    I wish internet communication was this friendly 🙁