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Calling All Node Warriors: Seattle and Dallas

The Chaotic Good tour of America continues steamrolling its way in erratic patterns across the country, bringing the comedic stylings of Chris Hardwick to Seattle on June 4th and Dallas on June 11th. You knew that, and now you know the rest of the story: Chris needs you, assuming you’re in the Seattle-Tacoma or Dallas-Fort Worth areas, to spread the word that he’s coming so that tickets might be sold and joy might reign across the regions.

It’s Node Warriors time again, and, in case you aren’t aware, here’s what it involves: You’ll be part of a “street team” to download, print, and distribute flyers throughout the community wherever Chris Hardwick fans might congregate, with the goal being to fill each venue with folks who’ll appreciate the Nerdist brand of humor and community. We’ll choose ten Node Warriors in each city, who will each receive a pair of tickets for the show in appreciation. As Chris said the very first time he put together a Node Warriors team like this, “If you’re bored the next couple of weeks and feel like meeting folks while building a thing, then THIS IS YOUR CALLING.” And so it is.

How to participate: Send an e-mail ASAP (before next Wednesday, May 11th) with your full name, the city in which you want to be a Node Warrior, and why you want to do it, to [email protected]. Make the subject line “Pick ME In (insert city).” (Put your choice of city in there. We know the “I, State Your Name” joke already) Be enthusiastic and sell us on why you should be a Node Warrior. We’ll pick ten people in each market, and those people will get invites to join the Node Warriors (and for the Node if they aren’t members already) and ticket invites. Others will be able to join the Node Warriors but won’t get tickets, ’cause those are of limited number. You’ll coordinate with other Warriors through the Node forums, and you’ll be able to download flyers to print and distribute. And everyone who comes to the shows gets a big (optional, if you’re contact-averse) hug from Chris at a little meet-up after the show.  (Some people jumped the gun by a few weeks for the Seattle show; if you sent an e-mail for Seattle Node Warrior status, please send us another e-mail confirming your continued interest)

Again, the show dates are June 4th at the Showbox in Seattle (click to buy tickets) and June 11th at the Granada Theater in Dallas (click to buy tickets). (A note about Portland, for those who have been asking: it’s been unavoidably delayed.  Chris plans to come to town later this year, but had to postpone the original date.  Thanks for your patience, and if you applied to be a Node Warrior, we’ll keep them in the mix when the show is rescheduled)

Get your e-mails in ASAP. Let’s get the word out. As always, Chris is standing by to hug YOU.

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  1. CheesyG says:

    NARGH!!! I procrastinated my way out of this chance at momentary awesomeness, but have still been bugging friends to buy tickets. When they seem dumbfounded that the Singled Out guy is doing standup (yes, they need to learn of Web Soup and whatnot), I reassure them the guy must have a great sense of humor to have dealt with those annoying frat boys, shallow-end girls, and Jenny McCarthy’s chicken calls… or perhaps he had a horribly-expensive habit to support. Either road leads to comedy.

  2. Scully says:

    The suspense is killing me!

  3. Taylor says:

    There would be a picture of JR to represent Dallas haha.

    Just sent in my email and I AM SO EXCITED!!

  4. Joel says:

    crap, I was a gun jumper! sorry about that.

    I sent in an email again. Awesome.

    I was a part of the street team last time in Seattle. took a TON of photos. if anyone hasn’t seen them, go look now! NOW!!! NAO!!! 🙂

  5. Scully says:

    Submitted mine. Fingers crossed!

    @Tankfantry why don’t you drive up to Dallas if you are in Houston? Its not too unreasonably far for a good show. If your into other nerdy things too you could attend A-kon and make a weekend adventure out of the whole trip.

  6. Tankfantry says:


    Don’t trust that “LizTheCanadian”, if that’s even her real name, she’s all evil and junk and will steal your crap!

  7. LizTheCanadian says:

    Oooo sending in my request NOW! Hope I get picked since it’ll be a bit of a trek to come down from Vancouver but SO worth it!

  8. Patience- we’ll be picking and choosing and notifying everyone after the submission process closes out next Wednesday. Just letting everyone get their e-mails in first… (and we’re excited, too! It never gets old, and I know Chris considers this a really great part of touring. Burritos and hugs go a long way towards turning what could be a chore into a lot of fun…)

  9. Clivo DiMars says:

    hey ya! sent in my email and Im in dallas and wanting to promote! yet…I go unanswered. Wait, does nerdist have other things to do than cater to its warrior program? Naaa….cant be….hope to hear from you guys soon!

  10. Tankfantry says:

    STILL NO HOUSTON!!!! Fine, I’m going to my cubical and pout.

  11. N8ertot says:

    I sent in my request – I am soooooooo down to help out in Seattle…

