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Will Smith Hunts Elves with an Orc in New BRIGHT Trailer

Later this year, Will Smith is reuniting with his Suicide Squad director David Ayer for what could well be Netflix’s most ambitious film yet, Bright. In this movie, Smith and Joel Edgerton play human and orc cops, respectively, in a vision of Los Angeles where fantasy creatures are real. The latest trailer for Bright has Officers Daryl Ward (Smith) and Nick Jakoby (Edgerton) attempting to keep their stories straight after encountering an elf with a magic wand that could level the city.

Ayer may be showing us part of the ending from Max Landis‘ script in this new footage, as the clips of Ward and Jakoby in the hospital clearly come after their encounter with the young elf girl, Tikka (Lucy Fry). The trailer also introduces us to the ruthless elf enforcer, Leilah (Noomi Rapace), as she demonstrates her willingness to do anything to get the wand back. As briefly glimpsed in the trailer, Leilah openly attacks Ward and Jakoby in a convenience story despite multiple witnesses to her power.

The trailer also explores the idea of the orcs as a subjugated minority group, with Jakoby being a trailblazer among his people as the first orc to graduate from the police academy. As for Ward, he’s a little less than tolerant towards his new partner, but he’s going to need Jakoby’s help to survive this citywide threat.

Bright will be released on Netflix on December 22.

What do you think about Bright‘s fusion of fantasy and cop movie? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Netflix

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