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The Next “Yanny vs. Laurel” Is Already Here: “Brainstorm vs. Green Needle”

This week, the “Yanny vs. Laurel” phenomenon ran roughshod over an internet that never truly finished picking up the pieces from the”Blue vs. White dress” debacle. Many of us are still trying to mend relationships fractured by that strange aural quirk that made us realize how easily something so simple can make us question our reality. And that’s just too bad, because the next destructive meme is already here! And this time it’s a “brainstorm.” Unless that is you hear “green needle.” Or some combination of both. Either way get ready for another round of irrational anger directed at yourself and everyone you know.

Meet “Brainstorm or Green Needle,” the latest audible debate to hit the world wide web. Unlike in the case of “Yanny vs. Laurel,” it’s possible to hear both words this time, no matter your age and without adjusting bass settings. All you have to do is think about which phrase you want to hear.

If you can’t quite hear each word try mouthing them as you listen.

When I first heard this I didn’t think about either phrase and I heard “green storm.” Then I focused on each phrase individually and I heard both “brainstorm” and “green needle.” Then I focused on “brain needle” and I heard that too. Which means none of us should have to fight this time, like we had to with those damn “yanny” people. Yay!

Instead we can all focus on how there is obviously no objective reality and we’ll probably never stop fighting about anything important because we aren’t all experiencing the same existence, not even when it comes to songs or speech, so how can we come to any kind of consensus ever?

Oh, wait, no, let’s not focus on that. That’s too depressing. Um…so what color did you think that dress was?

What do you hear when you listen to this? Tell us in the comments below.

Featured Image: Tomango

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