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Baymaggedon: Alamo Drafthouse Issues a Genius Press Release

Here at Nerdist Industries, we can often be overwhelmed by the abundance of press releases put into the world on a daily basis. Some of them are informative, some mildly annoying, but a tiny few are pure genius. The press release below is of the genius variety, and comes from the team at the Alamo Drafthouse. We love the Alamo. Based in Texas, the movie theater chain presents our favorite movies in our favorite ways and they are expanding nationwide, bringing mind-melting events like this to a theater near you.


Austin, TX— Thursday, April 18, 2013— The Alamo Drafthouse and Tough Guy Cinema are giving credit where tough guy credit is due and honoring Michael Bay as their first inductee into the Alamo Drafthouse Tough Guy Hall of Fame as part of the “Baymageddon” event this Sunday, April 21, at Alamo Drafthouse locations in Austin and Houston, TX, Kansas City, MO, and Littleton, CO.  “Baymageddon” features a mystery marathon of three Michael Bay classic action blockbusters plus regional premieres of his new film PAIN & GAIN, in theaters nationwide April 26th. 

Michael Bay is a true visionary. He provides uncompromising, unadulterated, and unapologetic fun to the masses. But, he’s more than just a blockbuster filmmaker. To say that would be to dismiss the absolutely awe-inspiring things he achieves with the medium of film. Bay transports and transfixes us with his very unique vision and a style that grabs hold of us at 180 mph and demands our attention. 

Alamo programmer Greg MacLennan says, “When I first started programming the Tough Guy Cinema series for the Alamo Drafthouse, I wanted to take repertory film screenings to a new level, and the first films I could think of were modern masterpieces of mayhem from Michael Bay.  I wasn’t taught them in school, you don’t see any books on them, but his films deserve to be recognized and revisited on the big screen. Blockbusters may come and go, but his films stand the test of time. He’s made heroes out of everyday actors, and somehow, along the way, he became one himself.”

To prove it, the Alamo Drafthouse is honoring Bay with not just an award but a full-day celebration honoring the filmmaker and his films: “Baymaggedon,” a 10-hour red-hot blast of non-blinking pure excellence drilled into your corneas as you take a stroll down memory lane with three super secret Bay films all the way up to a sneak preview screening of Bay’s latest, PAIN AND GAIN. The filmmaker will not be present in person to accept the award, but he’s preparing a special video thank you that promises to bring a special Michael Bay-ness to it.

Alamo Drafthouse founder Tim League adds, “When I first heard the idea of ‘Baymageddon,’ I knew it needed to be more than just a marathon. It needed to be as big as a Michael Bay film itself, which is why I’m very happy to be inducting Michael Bay as the very first member of the Alamo Drafthouse Tough Guy Hall of Fame. It takes a truly tough guy to make such beautiful mayhem.”

“Pain & Gain,” Bay’s latest film from Paramount Pictures, is a new action comedy starring Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie. Based on the unbelievable true story of a group of personal trainers in 1990s Miami who, in pursuit of the American dream, get caught up in a criminal enterprise that goes horribly wrong.  Produced by Donald De Line, Michael Bay and Ian Bryce. Based on the magazine articles by Pete Collins. Screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely. Directed by Michael Bay.                             

So if you find yourself near an Alamo Drafthouse in Austin and Houston, TX, Kansas City, MO, or Littleton, CO, on April 21st, “Baymageddon” will be in session.  Come and join us. 

Sunday, April 21st at 2PM – Ticket Price: $30

Alamo Drafthouse Ritz – Austin

Alamo Drafthouse Vintage Park – Houston

Alamo Drafthouse Mainstreet – Kansas City

Alamo Drafthouse Littleton – Littleton, Colorado

“(A) 10-hour red-hot blast of non-blinking pure excellence drilled into your corneas.” That’s good.

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  1. michaelalexkawa says:

    HELL YEAH !!!
    It is about time Michael Bay gets some recognition for his genius .