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The Internet’s Best Reactions to the AVENGERS: ENDGAME Trailer

The much anticipated follow-up to Avengers: Infinity War looks like it will be the most serious, intense Marvel movie of them all. Avengers: Endgame, formerly known to fans as Avengers 4, got that title, as well as a poster and a trailer on Friday morning. The trailer shows the surviving Avengers in various states of disarray and sorrow. Tony Stark is adrift in space. Natasha and Steve seem to have a plan involving the past. Clint has become something other than Hawkeye. Thor and Bruce look distraught. Nothing looks optimistic.

Twitter exploded with reactions to the Avengers: Endgame trailer. Some of the comments offer sharp and depressing observations about how these heroes deserve better, and some of them offer some levity. Here the very best reactions:

Maddy tied the Avengers films neatly to Ariana Grande’s “thank u, next” meme:

Seriously. Give Tony a break! And Cap hasn’t had it easy either.

What have you been doing, Hawkeye?

This is just rude.

Let Scott Lang in, y’all!

He’s full of enthusiasm and ready to help!

An important thought about his van.

But what if it’s not Scott?

Where are you, Wong?

Insert side-eye emoji here.

And yes, the unifying theme does seem to be pain. So much pain.

Featured Image: Marvel

Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy (available from Amazon). Follow her on Twitter.

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