Matthew Hart

Mars 2020 Mission Rover's 20-Megapixel ‘Eyes’

Are Nedry’s JURASSIC PARKS Outfits a GOONIES Easter Egg?

Sony's Robotic Dog Aibo is Back, and with AI!

Super Shifty Octopus Uses ‘Shoulder Tap’ Technique to Catch Its Prey

Beastly Thermite Sword Is Forged In Explosive, Highly Dangerous Process

Dozens of Octopuses Wash Ashore

Beastly Robot Arms Will Let You Lift 1,000 Pounds

Nvidia's A.I. Generates Headshots of Fake Celebrities

This Insane Spinning 360° Water Slide Was Thought Up By a 6-Year-Old

Listen to NASA's Chilling "Spooky Space 'Sounds'" Album!

An Incredible Ron Swanson Makeup Transformation

245 Brave Souls Set New Simultaneous-Rope-Jump World Record

Harry Potter Has the Most Logical Time Travel

The Spider-Tailed Horned Viper Will Make You Squirm

Moth Equipped with Massive Pheromone-Spewing Tentacles

How to Beat Carnival Game Scams

Stop-Motion Pumpkin Animation Was Years in the Making

Albert Einstein Tipped a Bellhop By Gifting Him with the Key to Happiness

Permanent Tattoo Gumball Machine is Made for GAME OF THRONES Sigils

How Close are We to GATTACA's Future?

It’s Official: Fidget Spinners Were Meant for Space

Edison's 'Spirit Box' Tried to Determine the Nature of Life

The Frightening Invasion of Alien Crustaceans