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Alternatives To The iPhone Alarm App That Isn’t Quite Working Right

By the way, you’ve surely learned (possibly the hard way) about the iPhone alarm glitch by now, and that the alarm stopped working after the year changed.  Apple says you should set the alarm to “recurring” and that the problem would end today, but, apparently, the alarm isn’t working today for a lot of users either.  Some people say resetting the alarm or rebooting the phone fixes the problem, but that isn’t working for everyone.

Another solution is to use a different alarm app.  Mashable has a list of five free alarm apps that ARE working, including Nightstand Central Free, Clock Pro Free, Theme Clock Alarm, Alarm Tunes Lite, and iClock Free.  There are paid alternatives, too, but these appear to be working.

And there’s my solution: A Sony dedicated old-fashioned alarm clock radio I bought about 15 years ago for under ten bucks.  Works like a charm.  I can’t carry it around in my pocket and it doesn’t make calls, but I just need it to wake me up, and it does that just fine.  (Yeah, I know, I know, the iPhone alarm is great and you use it for travel and all that.  I know.  But you DO have alternatives until Apple gets around to a real fix for the problem)

Image: Elgin

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  1. Brian says:

    Wait, what? I thought this problem was only an issue if you didn’t adjust your alarms. I’ve been using my iPhone 4 alarm clock with no problems. Both recurring and non-recurring. Man, now I’m sketched out.

  2. beaudetious says:

    I’m using an old “bricked” cell phone for an alarm clock. It’s slim so it fits under my pillow. It’s got a vibrate mode so it won’t wake up my wife (who needs her beauty sleep). And, the good bit, is that it holds a charge for a few weeks since there’s no service and I turned off the ability for it to sniff for a network. It’s just a fancy alarm clock with too many unused featured.

  3. Rob says:

    I had no problem. Oh yeah, I have an Android phone! Hahahaha!

  4. Maura says:

    OMG, I totally had NOT heard this! I almost never use the alarm and wondered why it didn’t wake me up yesterday. I assumed I’d screwed something up, but I was a little worried about my own sanity and/or intelligence as there is very little one could do to screw up something so simple. Thanks for soothing my fears!