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All Of “Doctor Who,” Summarized

You’re at a party and someone corners you and tries to tell you about his favorite TV show, and goes on and on and on explaining the whole thing and… okay, this is like that.  Here, the Fine Brothers summarize all 47 years of Doctor Who in six minutes:

So you don’t have to watch the actual show now, right? Yeah, you probably should, anyway. Besides, the heavy-handed promo at the end pretty much mandates that you watch.

If you prefer your nostalgia with more visuals, here are a couple of videos by YouTube user TroughtonLover94 from last year that might bring back some memories:

Less than a week left until the new season. You can make it until then. Courage.

HT: Boing Boing

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  1. The problem with watching the second and third is they keep showing Elisabeth Sladen and I keep getting tears in my eyes…

  2. Victoria says:

    How did the Fine Brothers go through the last five seasons WITHOUT mentioning the Time War? Nerd rage!

  3. Gospel X says:

    @three toes of fury: The word nerd in me has to point out that it’s more coincidental than ironic. Nothing ironic about someone with good taste giving you multiple good suggestions. 🙂

  4. Brian E. says:

    Ha I was about to e-mail this to you guys. It’s fantastic!

  5. Christine says:

    I’m glad someone else thought of the recent Neil Gaiman quote on the subject. I think that is my new favorite way of describing the show.

  6. VeronicaM says:

    I started watching because of David Tennant…now I am completely obsessed with all things related to The Doctor!

    I <3 Tennants Eyebrows! <3333

  7. three toes of fury says:

    Awesome quote posting SDGlyph! Ive never seen it before but its perfect! Dr Who has been the one big gap in my wholistic life as a nerd. Then my best bud Chew told me that i had no option and must check out Blink. That did it. Now i cant get enough of the show. Iroincally it was the same bud that turned me onto Sandman so many years ago.

  8. Hurricane Ditka says:

    The 7 Greatest Time Machines off of

    You wont be surprised by #1

  9. SDGlyph says:

    Heh, yeah. Definitely runs into the “I can explain all of this providing you already understand it!” problem…

    For newbies I’ll stick to Neil Gaiman’s recent version:
    “No, look, there’s a blue box. It’s bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. It can go anywhere in time and space and sometimes even where it’s meant to go. And when it turns up, there’s a bloke in it called The Doctor and there will be stuff wrong and he will do his best to sort it out and he will probably succeed cos he’s awesome. Now sit down, shut up, and watch ‘Blink’.”

  10. Kyle Anderson says:

    People beware, the first video is full of errors. But good job nonetheless, annoying brother guys.