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Adam Savage Talks Life After MYTHBUSTERS

Adam Savage might be done testing myths with Jamie Hyneman on MythBusters, but that doesn’t mean he’s done telling stories.

Savage sat down with CNET’s editor-in-chief, Connie Guglielmo, to talk about his plans now that the long-running show has wrapped, as he also touched upon some of what made the show so special.

“I have not existed in the last 14 years without MythBusters,” Savage said, “We filmed full-time since 2002.” He noted that his wife has never actually known him outside of the show, so he’s “finding a new life/work balance right now.”

Part of that new balance includes working on his website, Tested, where he’s been busy with some One Day Builds. You can see a couple of his newest ones here, including making a car seat for a puppy and a replica of a Hellboy sword.

Savage also talked about MythBuster‘s willingness to show failure and even go back and challenge their own findings. Rather than be beholden to preconceived narratives, the way other shows that tried to recreate the success of MythBusters seemed to be guilty of, he said where the show went was “genuinely really generated” by their  “interests and by what was happening” in the episode.

(He also said that he was “really simpatico” with the bomb squad techs they often worked with, adding that he fit the profile of one perfectly. Considering his glee at almost every explosion ever, that’s not surprising.)

But considering the exploration of an honest narrative was what MythBusters did so well, and what Savage says he has always been driven by, he plans on continuing that in his post-show career. “I look forward to telling more stories in the future.”

And we look forward to hearing them.

What would you like to see Adam, and Jamie too, work on now that they’re done with MythBusters? Tell us in the comments below.

Image: CNET

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