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A New Era of CALL OF DUTY Unveils Soon

In less than three days, Sledgehammer Games and Activision will reveal the latest title in the Call of Duty franchise on their official website.

Currently, we don’t know much about the game code-named “Blacksmith,” but that will change when the website’s timer reaches zero hour. To coincide with Blacksmith’s first trailer, Game Informer is releasing its Call of Duty-featured June issue three days early to their digital subscribers. We’ll discover more details on the game, including its official name, on Sunday 10 AM ET.

To tide you over, Game Informer has teased this in-game screenshot of a soldier who looks a bit like Idris Elba wearing not-too-distant future gear. Your guess is as good as mine as to what to expect in the latest CoD game, but we can all agree, it does look real shiny.


If that screenshot isn’t enough for you, take a look at the video below, Superpower For Hire, from VICE, talking about the rise of Private Military Corporations. From the video, we can surmise that the next war may not be against warring nations, but the rich elite.

The infographic below showcases a bit more about PMCs. What do you make of all these expenditures?


While it’s safe to assume that Sledgehammer has been focusing on creating the game for the PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, we aren’t too sure if it’ll appear on other platforms when it releases this Fall.

We’ll learn more come May 4th.

HT: Game Informer

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