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A New Campfire Song


Childish Gambino released his new single, “Bonfire,” from his forthcoming album, Camp this morning. I will never pass up an opportunity to post about Childish Gambino, Donald Glover or any other alias he may have. Why? Because he’s so dang talented is why. Gambino and his stellar band #cangetit #havegottenit #donald,amidoingthisright?

I’ll keep this short and leave you with this “Bonfire” lyric: ‘Cause I’m a beast bitch, Grrr /  Invader Zim

Bonfire by Childish Gambino
Follow me on twitter @bccbecca

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  1. Lydia says:

    I’m in love all over again!

  2. Delana M says:

    The Best! Enough said

  3. John says:

    Becca forgot to mention that this song will be available on iTunes tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20, 2011.

  4. Ivan says:

    Awesome to see fellow Nerdists love Donald’s rhyme talking as well!

  5. WWKD says:

    Amazing as always.

  6. mattapodaca says:

    this song is FIRE. so good. childish gambino/donald glover kills it every time. one of the most talented people working today.

  7. Kwame says:

    I am in love with this song

  8. Danger McRyan says:

    And a win for the first Casey Anthony reference used in a song.

  9. MJ Smith says:

    A Toe Jam and Earl reference?! GAMBINO FTW.

  10. Johnathan says:

    Loving it. Saw him back in April, it was way good.