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A Final Thrill, Bobcat’s Back, Robert Rodriguez, Connie Britton: The Podcast Preview

We have some quality stuff coming up on the Nerdist Podcast Network this week, among which will be these particular programs for your listening pleasure:

First comes the last: the final regular weekly episode of Thrilling Adventure Hour posts this week. A moment of silence, please. Followed by hysterical laughter, of course.

Bobcat Goldthwait makes a return appearance on the Nerdist Podcast, and it’s an emotional one, recorded on the anniversary of Robin Williams’ passing. And it’s also about Bobcat’s new documentary Call Me Lucky, which tells legendary comedian’s-comedian Barry Crimmins’ story of career and surviving abuse as a child.

Robert Rodriguez tells his inspiring story on the Nerdist Podcast, from making El Mariachi on an incredibly low budget to how making a financial failure of a movie led to a successful franchise and creating the El Rey Network (Memo to Verizon FiOS: Please add El Rey. Thank you.).

Connie Britton is a friend from way back with Chris, so her second appearance on the Nerdist Podcast will be another fun one. She’s in Max Landis’ new movie American Ultra, but that resumé!: Friday Night Lights, Nashville, American Horror Story

And there’ll be a hostful Nerdist Podcast, too. Yep, four Nerdist Podcasts this week. It’s our gift to you.

On the Nerdist Writers Panel from the ATX Television Festival, you’ll have coffee and talk The Gilmore Girls with Amy Sherman-Palladino and you’ll dissect the great Justified with a panel including Graham Yost, Dave Andron, Fred Golan, Jon Avnet, and Nick Searcy.

And sound mixer David Alvarez, who’s worked on all the Broken Lizard movies and a ton more, drops by to reconnect with Kevin and Steve on Chewin’ It.

You’ll find them all (when, that is, they get posted during the coming week) the Nerdist Podcast Network homepage and you’ll get the first word when they post at the Nerdist Podcast Network Facebook page, so make sure you Like that page pronto, especially because we’ll have a LOT more to offer you all week. Don’t wanna miss anything, do you?

Contributor: Kyle Clark
Thrilling Adventure Hour, Type 55 Films/WorkJuice

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