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A DOCTOR WHO “Unearthly Child” Set is a LEGO Idea Worth Investigating

LEGO and Doctor Who seem destined to go together, especially since February when it was announced that the licensing agreement between the BBC’s flagship television program and the Danish building block conglomerate (which might now be my favorite phrase I’ve ever thought of) has finally been settled. There’ve already been a couple of sets proposed through LEGO Idea that have reached the necessary 10,000 supporters needed to get it to the next step. There’s a new one on the site that I think is well worth discussing and up-voting, because it’s a set featuring the characters and setting from the very first episode ever broadcast, all the way back almost 51 years ago.

Proposed and designed by user Concore, the “An Unearthly Child” set features the First Doctor, his granddaughter Susan Foreman, and teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright around the fence and gate to I.M Foreman’s scrapyard at 76 Totter’s Lane. Is there a TARDIS included? Of COURSE there is; it wouldn’t be a Doctor Who set without one. Have a gander!

H/T: Radio Free Skaro

I think this set is really cool. Sure, it’d be easy to just do a bunch of New Series sets, but I think if LEGO are indeed going to embark on the journey of making Doctor Who sets, they ought to do one for each Doctor from an important story. If we take as read that you’d do “An Unearthly Child,” here are the other sets I’d like to see — and people have my permission to design on my behalf, because I possess no designing know how:

First Doctor – “The Dalek Invasion of Earth” complete with Daleks on Westminster Bridge and David Campbell and Roboman minifigs.

Second Doctor – “The Tomb of the Cybermen” with the Cyber Controller and giant Cyber-Hatch playset.

Third Doctor – “The Sea Devils” with the Master, two Sea Devils, and a Hovercraft. Obviously.

Fourth Doctor – “The Androids of Tara” with a castle, two Romanas, and a Count Grendel for sword fighting. (Honorable mention to “The Talons of Weng-Chiang” because I’d love to see LEGO get beyond the casual racism. Oh hey, that applies to “Tomb of the Cybermen” also.)

Fifth Doctor – “Enlightenment” with a huge space sailing ship set complete with Striker, Marriner, Captain Wrack, Black and White Guardians, and Tegan in her ball gown.

Sixth Doctor – “The Mark of the Rani” using the Rani’s TARDIS as the main setting, a buildable Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the Master with poseable uselessness action.

Seventh Doctor – “Battlefield” with Mordred, Morgaine, The Destroyer, and aging Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart in a helicopter. Ace would, of course, come with Excalibur.

Eighth Doctor – …”The TV Movie” because, well, that’s pretty obvious. But! A huge TARDIS interior set would be fantastic. Maybe even throw in a dying Seventh Doctor minifig.

Ninth Doctor – “Parting of the Ways” set with the Dalek Emperor, Captain Jack, and Bad Wolf Rose, because come ON!

Tenth Doctor – “The Satan Pit” with the Tenth Doctor in his orange space suit and the Beast chained up. Probably a few Ood as well.

Eleventh Doctor – “Asylum of the Daleks” with Amy, Rory, three or four different Daleks, and Oswin in a completely different room making souffles.

And hey, just for the helluvit, a “The Day of the Doctor” set with the War Doctor, the Moment, Ten, Eleven, and a Zygon.

That was fun! Now I turn it over to you. Tell us about your dream LEGO Doctor Who sets in the comments below. And don’t forget to vote for the “Unearthly Child” set so maybe we can actually get it.

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  1. Ben says:

    They should make a set of “Utopia” with the Futurekind.  (10th Doctor)

  2. Kelan says:

    The Tenth Doctor play set should be based on the episode “Don’t Blink” complete with atleast two angels. One covering it’s face and the other with wicked teeth!

  3. Katherine says:

    Ten should be “Silence in the Library”. Library set (books are good!) Donna AND River Song, plus creepy space suits. 

  4. GetExiled says:

    I think I would prefer a set based on the Night of the Doctor Mini ep over the 8th Doctor movie…  Cooler looking Doctor, a set with the back of the spaceship (cause the front crashes first) a couple of sisters from Karn, and the chalice of regeneration juice?   a No Brainer!

  5. Time Dad says:

    I’d definitely  want a Third with Bessie, a Fourth with Console Room, plus Sarah Jane, Jo, the mentioned Romanas (but 1st appearanceis my favorite), Leela, plus Classic Silurians, Zygons, Ice Warriors, and so on. 😀

  6. Whilst I would love it, it’s unlikely to happen due to the doctor who franchise resting with a Lego ‘clone’ brand ‘Character Building’, see link

  7. Aceinnatailsuit says:

    Castrovalvaset!  Either the TARDIS interiors from eps 1 and 2, the Escheresque square, or the scene from the final showdown (MY WEEEEEBBB).  Figurines for Five, Nyssa, Tegan, Adric and the Master, and possibly some of the Castrovalvans.I’d also be down for any TARDIS interiors from that era, whether it’s the console room, cloister room, or companion bedrooms.

  8. Chris Cuffel says:

    I would love to see a set from: The Brain of Morbius.  It would feature a minifig of Sara Jane and the fourth Docotor, along with some of the sisterhood, you could also include Doctor Solon his assistant and even his monster.  The back drop would either be Doctor Solon’s castle, or the sisterhood’s temple.  It would be nice to split this request into two sets one with the castle and one with the sisterhood.

  9. I need a Weeping Angel Lego, so Blink would get my vote.  Then they can include crossbows for the Doctor and Martha.

    • Kyle Anderson says:

      Maybe we could have then do an “Angels Take Manhattan” set and include a pack of tissues.

  10. I must have every single one of these sets they make!!

  11. Lisa Turner says:

    For the Second Doctor, I need a Jaime minifig. Need.